Comments on: Grim Fandango Remaster Is Coming To The PC PC Games News, Screenshots, Trailers & More Sat, 12 Jul 2014 23:44:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: SlutMagnet Sat, 12 Jul 2014 23:44:00 +0000 Did anyone seriously fucking doubt that it was going to skip the platform it was created on?

By: Amir Fri, 11 Jul 2014 20:02:00 +0000 In reply to Dakan45.

ha ha nice one 😀

By: Sean Fri, 11 Jul 2014 19:25:00 +0000 In reply to Guest.

The game was extremely successful on the PC so there is no reason not to bring it to PC gamers. Why would this be that popular on consoles anyway just like Diablo 3 bombed on consoles yet marketed to console users at E3.

By: eaze2009 Fri, 11 Jul 2014 19:08:00 +0000 In reply to Dakan45.

Yeah actually… you can call it that 😛

Don’t have much time to sit and play these days.

Also… you probably saw this mistake I did up there… Marvel vs Cancer XD

What the heck, sounds like a promotional anti cancer game! How’d I make that mistake ? O.o

By: Dakan45 Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:30:00 +0000 In reply to Not_true.

Really? because those sales havent increased for a while, dont worry i
am sure when sony goes bunkrupt in a few years we gonna lagh at you.

You telling me i spread delusional hate filled lies?

AHAHAHh you talk about FUD and hatred?

AHAAHh why dont you go to another xbox article to damage control for your pahetic console and THEN you talk about FUD.

it everyone is switching to pc, 50% devs focus on pc, only 17% on ps4,
ps4 will have less AAA games because sony cant pay for them and only
4/10 sony exlusives make money according to yoshida.

Pc gaming is
making more money than consoles nothing of you sony dck sucking
propganda nonsense is gonna change that, pc gaming will always have more
money and more exlusives and will sell more hardware, nvidia made a
higher profit than they expected.

Reviewtechusa, angry joe,
brokegamezhd, blackbond, totalbuscuit, hard8times, all have switched to
pc gaming, sorry this will be the last generation of consoles, pc gaming
is taking over

By: Dakan45 Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:29:00 +0000 In reply to Not_true.

Really? because those sales havent increased for a while, dont worry i am sure when sony goes bunkrupt in a few years we gonna lagh at you.

You telling me i spread delusional hate filled lies?

AHAHAHh you talk about FUD and hatred?

AHAAHh why dont you go to another xbox article to damage control for your pahetic console and THEN you talk about FUD.

Face it everyone is switching to pc, 50% devs focus on pc, only 17% on ps4, ps4 will have less AAA games because sony cant pay for them and only 4/10 sony exlusives make money according to yoshida.

Pc gaming is making more money than consoles nothing of you sony dck sucking propganda nonsense is gonna change that, pc gaming will always have more money and more exlusives and will sell more hardware, nvidia made a higher profit than they expected.

Reviewtechusa, angry joe, brokegamezhd, blackbond, totalbuscuit, hard8times, all have switched to pc gaming, sorry this will be the last generation of consoles, pc gaming is taking over.

By: Dakan45 Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:29:00 +0000 In reply to Amir.

I destroyed him

By: Dakan45 Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:29:00 +0000 In reply to Not_true.

Really? because those sales havent increased for a while, dont worry i
am sure when sony goes bunkrupt in a few years we gonna lagh at you.

You telling me i spread delusional hate filled lies?

AHAHAHh you talk about FUD and hatred?

AHAAHh why dont you go to another xbox article to damage control for your pahetic console and THEN you talk about FUD.

it everyone is switching to pc, 50% devs focus on pc, only 17% on ps4,
ps4 will have less AAA games because sony cant pay for them and only
4/10 sony exlusives make money according to yoshida.

Pc gaming is
making more money than consoles nothing of you sony dck sucking
propganda nonsense is gonna change that, pc gaming will always have more
money and more exlusives and will sell more hardware, nvidia made a
higher profit than they expected.

Reviewtechusa, angry joe,
brokegamezhd, blackbond, totalbuscuit, hard8times, all have switched to
pc gaming, sorry this will be the last generation of consoles, pc gaming
is taking over..

By: Dakan45 Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:26:00 +0000 In reply to Not_true.

Capcom decided to do it and ms aproved it like fable 3 and alan wake unlike sony that NEVER puts any of their exlusives on pc.

By: Dakan45 Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:19:00 +0000 In reply to Amir.

its not new but they seem to getting it now, bigger outposts, taking out the breaks, etc etc, they seem to change the gameplay from fc3.
