Comments on: Hogwarts Legacy PC Review PC Games News, Screenshots, Trailers & More Mon, 10 Apr 2023 04:39:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shieftain Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:44:40 +0000 In reply to Reginald Allouchery.

AH AH AH left wing fegit has no standards AH AH AH AH

By: Reginald Allouchery Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:39:18 +0000 In reply to Bruce.

I think we all know who the actual racist is here. You guys are the world champion of projection.

By: Reginald Allouchery Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:37:52 +0000 In reply to Bruce.

You know when someone uses ‘social enginnering’ like that, they are not the brightest tool in the toolshed.

By: Reginald Allouchery Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:36:50 +0000 In reply to Shieftain.

AH AH AH right wing tool compains about realism in a Fantasy Game. AH AH AH AH

By: Bruce Thu, 23 Mar 2023 12:18:07 +0000 World was beautiful, gameplay was fine. Story? Sebastian was the only interesting person you meet in the entire game. Fig wasn’t a realistic character and should have had a reaction to Goblins like Sebastian. The player character has no real struggles and is a Gary Stu/Mary Sue who doesn’t really need their friends outside of a couple scenes, just like Natty. Natty should have had struggles, especially with her father’s death. Perhaps have her struggle to shapeshift until the very end.

Poppy is there for social engineering which you see a lot of these days. She turns on her family, has no discourse with them, there is no discourse that can be had and she will kill the people she grew up with and that raised her at will. Animals are more important than them.

World 10/10
Story 0/10 outside of Sebastian which is moral grey and not really a theme for kids. He belongs in something like a Witcher game for adults.
Gameplay 8/10. I expected it would be a lot worse.
Score for kids. Great game if you want your kid to be an entitled sociopath and teach them that good and evil are not much different. This story is to the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy as Harry Potter is to the orignial Star Wars. One is about struggle, friendship and self sacrifice. The other is about being a god with no struggles, that really doesn’t need friends or mentors and is a law unto themselves. It’s Harry Potter in only name, unless you are well…stupid.

Not surprised it’s gonna be a HBO show. Expect complete subversion and a postmodern deconstruction of the original work while pushing more things like Sirona.

By: BT-7274 Thu, 23 Mar 2023 11:54:01 +0000 Great review, Stephen.
I agree with you on every aspect and yes, that spell slot limitation is ridiculous!
I had never watched a movie or read a book about this universe, and I’m more than impressed by the detailed visuals of the game. I have some 18 hours of gameplay and I’m enjoying it.
Apart from the forced woke characters, the game is indeed spectacular.
Oh, and thank god some reader from this site (Bruce) presented us with a link to the most needed mod ever for this game: giving Sirona a female voice.

By: Bruce Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:44:36 +0000 In reply to Shieftain.

I give the race diversity a pass cus magic and the other schools all have magic travel devises etc (if it was done in correct amounts), but the character from Uganda and the backstory of the Uganda magic school was ridiculous. You can tell it’s written by an actual racist whose afraid to be called a racist. Probably a white woman.

Always the same things with characters like this. The school is biggerer and betterrer, the students more advanced. “Hi I’m Natty and I’m smarter than you, here use my answer. BTW my magic is more advanced than yours, oh and in my spare time I’m deeply invested in protecting you primitive English people I don’t even know. My only “flaw” is that I’s a superhero in my spare time.” Natty could have been a really good character. Have her be emotionally scarred. Have her struggle as a student due to dealing with her father’s death and survivors guilt and then come through at the end with what she did. We all would have loved her. She was impossible to root for as is though..

Also yeah the gender stuff was pure Hollywood subversion.
I forgot that a mentor in the story uses forbidden curses as well. Complete subversion of the source material and pushing moral grey. No punishment for using them in the story, no morality system. Just moral grey nonsense that should never be in kids stories. No society would teach their kids that unless they wanted to be killed by those children in genocides and anarchy. Something we saw last century in communist countries where 80-90? million people were killed by their own countrymen? Think there was 60 in just China.

By: Shieftain Thu, 23 Mar 2023 10:18:31 +0000 In reply to Bruce.

Don’t forget the ridiculous amounts of “diversity” in the characters and NPCs. If it took place in modern days it’d have made much more sense because that’s how England (especially London) currently is, but this game takes place in the late 19th century. It’s completely immersion breaking. One or two characters would’ve been okay (e.g. that girl from Uganda and her mom) but not half of the goddamn school.
And then there’s the ability to be in dorms that don’t match your gender. Didn’t the school have some kind of safeguard against that in the books (I think it was something to do with the stairs turning into slides)?

By: Vaz Thu, 23 Mar 2023 05:46:40 +0000 good review.

Some day the world of videogaming stop to put as reference RPG boring world to the RPG genre in videogames, this day the humanity grow a bit more, really who cares the “reality or rating” if is a “real” rpg or not except for the bookworms obsessed with the purity of that genre.

Seriuosly, any zelda put you in a inmersive story more effective that any “hardcore” rpg that you think, in the videogame world

By: Manupa14 Thu, 23 Mar 2023 04:54:49 +0000 I thought the story was by far the worst part of it. Completely generic, predictable and with badly written characters. The same happens with the side quests, aside from Sebastian’s arc which was engaging and interesting, as we got to see him go down a dark path, the others were so boring and “black and white” I could not even finish all of them. As for the non arc generic side quests, they are even worse. Mostly “fetch quests” without any depth or nuances. Also, the main character is a stonewall, boring as it gets, and choices make zero difference.

The gameplay and graphics were really good though. I had fun with those.

I just came from replaying the Witcher 3 and the writing gap could really be felt between these two
