Tag Archives: Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider will only use QTE’s to deliver an intense and cinematic experience but won’t be overused

Let’s be honest, even though Tomb Raider was one of the best games at Microsoft’s Conference in this year’s E3, those damn quick-time events worried us. Yeah, they added to the atmosphere but we want to play a game and not watch a movie. Was the game following Heavy Rain’s example? Apparently not, as Noah Hughes, creative director, stated that Tomb Raider won’t rely much on QTE’s. Continue reading Tomb Raider will only use QTE’s to deliver an intense and cinematic experience but won’t be overused

Tomb Raider – Behind The Scenes Trailer

Square Enix released a ‘behind the scenes’ trailer for the latest part of the legendary Tomb Raider series. In this video, various members of Crystal Dynamics explain why the company decided to reboot the series, why the have chosen this ‘young’ Lara and how they made contact with Square Enix. Enjoy this 10 minutes video after the jump. Continue reading Tomb Raider – Behind The Scenes Trailer